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Navigating the Changing Landscape of Legal Services: What's Trending?

  Navigating the Changing Landscape of Legal Services: What's Trending? By Adv. Anupam Kumar Mishra, Lexis and Company, Legal Consultants In the world of law, change is the only constant. With technology, globalization, and evolving client expectations shaping the industry, law firms must continuously adapt to stay competitive. From AI integration to more flexible billing methods, the trends in legal services are nothing short of revolutionary. Here are some of the latest trends you need to know if you're a part of, or dealing with, the legal sector. 1. Legal Tech: Lawyers Meet AI (And No, We’re Not All Getting Replaced!) The legal profession is often viewed as old-school, resistant to change, and bogged down by mountains of paperwork. Well, those mountains are rapidly being conquered by artificial intelligence! Legal tech is automating document review, contract management, and even some litigation tasks. But don’t worry—while AI may handle the grunt work, it still can’t argue
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