What is a Divorce Petition & How Does it Work in India?” ⚖️👩⚖️
Client: “We’ve decided to part ways. What’s the first step? Do I just tell the judge we’re done?” 😟
Well, not exactly! You need a Divorce Petition, not just a breakup announcement. 😅
✅ What is a Divorce Petition?
✔️ A formal legal application filed in court to dissolve a marriage under relevant personal laws (Hindu Marriage Act, Special Marriage Act, etc.)
✔️ Can be Mutual Consent Divorce or Contested Divorce, depending on the situation.
#DivorceLawIndia #MutualConsentDivorce #ContestedDivorce #FamilyLawIndia #MarriageDissolution
✅ Grounds for Divorce in India:
💔 Cruelty or domestic violence
💔 Desertion or non-cohabitation
💔 Adultery or mental disorder
💔 Irretrievable breakdown of marriage
#GroundsForDivorce #DivorcePetitionIndia #MarriageLawIndia #FamilyCourtIndia #LegalSeparation
✅ Benefits of Filing a Divorce Petition Properly:
📌 Legal closure to the relationship
📌 Clear resolution on alimony, custody, maintenance
📌 Property & financial settlement clarity
📌 Protection of individual rights
#AlimonyRights #ChildCustodyLaw #SpousalSupportIndia #LegalDivorceIndia #PeacefulSeparation
🤣 “Marriage may be made in heaven, but divorce needs a well-drafted petition and a good lawyer!” 📜👨⚖️😂
👉 Pro Tip: Mutual consent divorce is quicker and less stressful — keep it civil and legal.
#DivorceProcessIndia #FamilyDisputesResolution #LegalStepsForDivorce #LexisAndCompany
📢 Need help filing a divorce petition or sorting custody or alimony issues? Lexis and Company is here for you! ❤️⚖️
📞 Call: +91-9051112233
🌐 Website: https://www.lexcliq.com
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