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Showing posts from August, 2022

affidavit on wealth tax return

 AFFIDAVIT WITH THE APPLICATION FOR AMENDING THE  WEALTH-TAX RETURN  Before the Wealth-tax Officer ..........................,.............  Affidavit of A, aged about................. years, son of Shri ......... resident of ........................................  I, A, aged about ..................... years, son of Shri ................ resident of......................................... do hereby solemnly affirm and state as under:  1.              That I am the assessee in the aforesaid case and as such fully conversant with the facts deposed to below.  2.              That I have filed the return of wealth-tax for the assessment year .......... on .................... 3.              That [SB1] [SB2] in the said return, the particulars of shares and debentures held by me have been wrongly given. The mistake is typing mistake and is inadverte...

affidavit for condonation of delay appeal against assessment order of sales tax officer

 AFFIDAVIT FOR CONDONATION OF DELAY IN FILING THE APPEAL AGAINST ASSESSMENT ORDER OF SALES TAX OFFICER BEFORE THE ASSISTANT COMMISSIONER (JUDICIAL) SALES-TAX ___________________________. In the matter of XYZ for the Assessment Year _________. Affidavit of Mr. A aged about ___ years S/o Mr. B R/o ___________________. 1. I, the above named deponent, am the proprietor of the firm above named and hence is fully conversant of the facts deposed below: 2. That the deponent received assessment order on ___________. 3. That appeal was to be filed by _________. 4. That deponent fell ill on ___________ and was under the treatment of Dr. X. who advised complete rest upto __________. 5. That the deponent filed the appeal on ________ alongwith medical certificate. 6. That in this way there is a delay of only 5 days for which an application under Section 5 of the Limitation Act has been filed alongwith memorandum of appeal. 7. That delay in filing the appeal is because of illness of the deponent ...

affidavit required by the sub registrar for transfer of agricultural land

 Affidavit required by the Sub-Registrar for Transfer of Agricultural Land within an Urban Aggolmeration as defined under the Urban Land (Ceiling and Regulation) Act, 1976 FORM NO. II PART - I 1.       We, (1) ______________________, (2) ______________________  AND (3) ___________________, all of __________, Indian inhabitants, do jointly and severally  solemnly affirm and declare as under:— (i) That we are the Owners of the agricultural land at Village _________, Taluka _________________, District ________________, bearing Survey No.___________, Hissa No.___________ admeasuring ______________ or thereabouts which is more particularly described in the Schedule hereunder written  (hereinafter “the said Agricultural land”) and which said  Agricultural  Land we have conveyed in favour of (1)____________________________ and (2)_____________________ by a Deed of Conveyance dated  __________ 200__. (ii) The said Agricultural Land come...

simple affidavit

 SIMPLE AFFIDAVIT   IN THE HONBLE HIGH COURT OF __________ AT __________ WRIT PETITION NO. ___________ OF 2000   BN . PETITIONER VERSUS COMMISSIONER OF INCOME-TAX,  RANGE X, _______ & OTHERS. . RESPONDENTS   Affidavit of BN, aged about 65 years, son of late Shri PN resident of ________________________________________.   I, the deponent above-named, do hereby solemnly affirm and state on oath as under:   1.                    That I am the Petitioner in the aforesaid Writ Petition and am conversant with full facts of the case.   2.                    That the deponent has read the Writ Petition and annexures, the contents of which he has fully understood.   3.                    That the contents of paragraphs 1 to 20, of the Writ Petition are true to the own knowledge of the deponent.  ...

affidavit before sales tax tribunal

 AFFIDAVIT BEFORE THE SALES-TAX TRIBUNAL FOR STAY OF DISPUTED TAX. BEFORE THE HONBLE MEMBER-TRIBUNAL, ________________________. Ref : In the case of M/s _________________________,  Assessment Year __________. Affidavit of Mr. RP S/o Mr. ND, aged about __ years R/o __________________. I, the above named deponent do hereby solemnly affirm and state as under: 1. That the deponent is the proprietor of the firm above named and hence is fully conversant of the facts deposed below. 2. That in the assessment year under consideration the Sales tax Officer has bitterly rejected the account books of the deponent and assessed to tax as under: (a) Admitted turn over Rs. ____________ (b) Assessed turn over Rs._____________ (c) Disputed turn over Rs. _____________ (d) Admitted Tax Rs._____________ (e) Assessed Tax Rs._____________ (f) Disputed Tax Rs._____________ 3. That the learned STO has not considered the reply to show cause, submitted by the deponent at the time of hearing and the lear...

affidavit for extending time to file the income tax return

 AFFIDAVIT FOR EXTENDING TIME TO FILE THE INCOME TAX RETURN BEFORE THE INCOME TAX OFFICER, ________________ In the matter of ABC & Co. (Pvt.) Ltd. ______________. Affidavit of Mr. K aged about ___ years S/o Mr. L R/o _________________________. I, the above named deponent solemnly affirm and state as under : 1. That the deponent is the managing Director of the company and hence is fully conversant of the facts deposed below. 2. That the deponent was required to file the return of the income of the Company by 30th June , _____. 3. That the deponent received a notice under sub section (2) of Section 139, requiring to file the return of the company by ____ June , ______. 4. That the Companys accounts have been closed on 31st March, _____ and have been given to the chartered accountant for audit purposes. 5. That since audit work was not complete, the deponent applied for extension of time upto 31st July, ____ on prescribed form No. 6. 6. That form 6 was filed by the deponent on the...

affidavit for resumption of indian citizenship

 AFFIDAVIT FOR RESUMPTION OF INDIAN CITIZENSHIP BEFORE THE DISTRICT MAGISTRATE, _______________ Affidavit of Mr. MJ, aged about __ years S/o MY, R/o ______________________ I, the above name deponent solemnly affirm and state on oath as under: 1. That the deponent has applied before your Honour for the resumption of Indian Citizenship, and hence is fully conversant of the facts deposed below. 2. That the deponent was born in ____________ Hospital on ___________. 3. That the full Name of the father of deponent is MY. 4. That the deponent has ceased to be any Indian Citizen by virtue of sub section (1) of Section 8 of the Indian Citizenship Act, 1955, on 1, Jan. 1980 because of reason that the father of deponent Mr. MY has renounced his Indian Citizenship on the said date. 5. That deponent declares his intention to resume Indian Citizenship and applied to the Central Government to register this declaration. Deponent VERIFICATION I, MJ, the above named deponent do hereby verify that th...

affidavit for the registration of the will after the death of the testator

 AFFIDAVIT WITH THE APPLICATION FOR THE REGISTRATION OF THE WILL AFTER THE DEATH OF THE TESTATOR Before the Sub-Registrar .........................  In the matter of registration of the WILL executed by Shri ..................... son of ........................ resident of ................................... Affidavit of A, aged about ............... years, son of Shri .................. resident of .................... and B, aged about ................ years, son of Shri ................... resident of ....................................  We, the abovenamed deponents do hereby solemnly affirm and state as under:  1.      That we, the deponents, are the witnesses to the execution of the will executed by Shri ............................ on ..................... and as such fully acquainted with the facts deposed to below.  2.      That the aforesaid testator Shri .................... executed his last will on ........................

affidavit in income tax proceeding

 AFFIDAVIT IN INCOME-TAX PROCEEDINGS BEFORE THE INCOME-TAX OFFICER, _______________  Affidavit of Mr. A aged about ____ S/o Mr.___________, resident of __________________________.  I, the above named deponent solemnly affirm and state as under in the case for the Assessment Year ________. 1. That the deponent is the proprietor of the firm named _________________________ and hence is fully conversant of the facts deposed below; 2. That the deponent draws his income from the firm named above. 3. That the deponent started the above industry about __ years back to earn the livelihood for himself and his family and purchased one old machine from his friend named M and made payment of Rs. _________. 4. That during the assessment year under consideration the deponent felt the need of extending this Industry and added one new machine which the purchased for Rs. ___________. Therefore, total investment in the industry worked out as under; (a) Starting investment Rs. 5,000.00 (b) S...

affidavit of process server to a company

 AFFIDAVIT OF PROCESS SERVER TO A ACCOMPANY RETURN OF A SUMMONS OR NOTICE The Affidavit of .. son of resident of ,.. make oath and say as follows--- 1. I am a process server of this Court. 2. On the . day of , 2000, I received a summons/ Notice.. issued by the Court of .. in Suit No. of in the said Court, dated the .. day of , For service on  3. The said .. was at the time personally known to me, and I served the said Summons /notice on him /her on the day of, .. at about. oclock in the noon by tendering a copy thereto him/ her and requiring his/her signature to the original Summons/ Notice. (a)  (b) Here state whether the person served signed or refused to sign the process,  and in whose presence. Signature of process server.   Or The said . not being personally known to me. accompanied me to .. and pointed out to me a person whom he stated to be the said and I served the said whom he stated to be the said.. and I served the said Summons / Notice on his/ her on...

affidavit required by the sub registrar

 Affidavit required by  the Sub-Registrar of Assurances while Registering the Deed  of Conveyance of Land with Building FORM NO. I PART - I 1. We, (1) ____________________________________________________, (2) ______________________ (3) __________________________________ AND (4) ___________________, all of ___________, Indian inhabitants, do jointly and severally solemnly affirm and declare as under:— (i) That we are the Owners of property more particularly described in the Schedule hereunder written and which said property we have conveyed in favour of _______________ _____________ and _____________________ by a Deed of Conveyance dated ________ 200___. (ii) That the aforesaid property is not “surplus vacant land “as defined under the provisions of the Urban Land (Ceiling & Regulation) Act, 1976 (hereinafter “the said Act”). 2. We understand that even if the document intending to transfer our aforesaid property is allowed to be registered, we will not be absol...

affidavit to issue the duplicate export license

 AFFIDAVIT WITH THE APPLICATION FOR THE ISSUE OF DUPLICATE EXPORT LICENCE Before the Deputy Chief Controller of Exports, Department of Supply, Ministry of Food, ...........................  In the matter of issue of duplicate licence to M/s. ............................ Affidavit of A, aged about ........................ years, son of Shri ........ resident of .................... do hereby solemnly affirm and state as follows:  1 .That I am the proprietor of M/s. ....................... doing the business of export and import of various items at .............................  2. That M/s. ........................ was issued licence bearing No. .......... dated .......................... for the export of .......................... tons of .....................................  3. That the said licence has been lost, for which 1 lodged F.I.R. with Police Station, ....... ................. vide F.I.R. No. .................. dated .................., a copy whereo...

affidavit to regional transport authority for duplicate license

 AFFIDAVIT WITH THE APPLICATION TO REGIONAL TRANSPORT AUTHORITY FOR DUPLICATE LICENCE Before the Regional Transport Officer, ..................................  Affidavit of A, aged about .................. years, son of Shri ............ resident of .......................  I, A, aged about ............................. son of Shri..................... resident of .................................. take oath and state as follows:  1. That I am the applicant in application for the issue of duplicate driving licence and as such fully conversant with the facts deposed to below.  2. That I was issued driving licence No. ..................... on ............. by this authority, to drive scooter with gears.  3. That my driving licence No. .............. has been lost on or about..... for which I have lodged FIR with Police Station, .............. ............. vide FIR No. .......................... dated .....................  4. That I have not deposited ...


  (Company’s Name) (Company’s Address) ( contact Number, Email)   Name of Receiptent:____________________ Address:__________________________ Contact number:____________________   Particulars             Description            Quantity            Amount                                                                            Grand total:   Signature: Date:


  RECEIPT BY BENEFICIARY ON FINAL DISTRIBUTION OF TRUST FUND     I have received from_______(Trustee), as trustee of the ___________ Trust and trustee of the ______ Trust what has represented to me by the Trustee to be a complete accounting of administration of Trust as of ______. In consideration of my receipts of account , I hereby approve, ratify and conform all of the acts and transactions of the Trustee set forth in the Account, and I accept the account as final and conclusive regarding the matters fairly represented  therein.   Dated this ____ day of ____ 20__   Signature:  


  I,_______(Name of retiring person) hereby acknowledge to have received from shri________(Continuing partner) the sum of Rs.____ (in words) only being the full amount of all moneys due or owing to me in respect of my share in the partnership business carried on under the firm name and style of M/s._______ with said shri ____ up to dated, the date of my retirement from the said partnership. Date:   Signature of Retiring partner   Witnesses 1. 2.


  RECEIPT BY SOLICITOR OF JUDGMENT CREDITOR ON SATISFACTION ON JUDGMENT DEBTS     I,_______ (Name),s/o_____,_________(Address), hereby acknowledges and confirms that the judgment owned to ____________(Name) herein called as the creditor was paid or otherwise satisfied on_____ day of ___ 20__, that the judgment was fully paid or satisfied to the judgment debtors.     Dated on ____day of ___ 20__   Signature:  


  RECEIPT FOR LOAN Full names:______________(lender) Address:_______________   Full names:______________(Borrower) Address:_______________   Re: promissory Note dated___________20___ The Lender hereby acknowledges receipt of the sum of_____________ As payment in respect of the note referenced above. As per terms of the Note all payments shall first be applied to interest accrued to date and thereafter to the principal amount. The remaining unpaid balance on this date is______ Signed on this ______ day of _____ 20__ Signature of Lender: Signature of Witness:  


  Date:                                                                      Receipt number: Amount received from: Address:     Amount: Purpose of payment:   ACCOUNT                                                    Payment Made By Total Amount:                     Cash: Amount Paid     ...


  I_________(Name of the seller), hereby sell, transfer and convey all rights, title and interest in the following described vehicle to_____________ for and in consideration of the total sum of___________, inclusive of all sales tax, paid in the form of the following method______, the receipt and sufficient of which is acknowledged   Model Material Year Price Body type   Color Vehicle chasis number:   Customer’s signature:   The condition of the car is____ Buyers’ information Name: Address: Contact Number:     Authorized signature: Dated:


  I_________(Name of the seller), hereby sell, transfer and convey all rights, title and interest in the following described vehicle to_____________ for and in consideration of the total sum of___________, inclusive of all sales tax, paid in the form of the following method______, the receipt and sufficient of which is acknowledged   Model Material Year Price Body type   Color Vehicle chasis number:   Customer’s signature:   The condition of the car is____ Buyers’ information Name: Address: Contact Number:     Authorized signature: Dated:


   Invoice                                              Business Name                                                  Address                                            Contact Number:   Name:______________  (Name of the party who is buying the furniture) Address:______________   Description of the produ...